CMMC Practice AC.L2-3.1.18

Control connection of mobile devices.

Monarch ISC Guidance

This is another control that sounds simple, but can be very complex. First we must identify "mobile devices" as any small computing device which can be easily carried by a user. This includes any mobile phone, tablet (iPad), and may even include laptops or "convertibles" in your environment. It does not include desktops or servers. You must have an inventory of authorized devices and block unauthorized devices from connecting. Be sure to monitor and log those connections as well. To control mobile devices, you should implement a mobile device management solution, or MDM. You should especially do this if your company allows users to use personal mobile devices, aka Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), instead of company supplied mobile devices. The MDM solution can control the entire device, or use a container approach, in which all company data is stored in a self-contained file, or sandbox. The security controls can then be applied directly to that container, instead of controlling the entire phone. Once you have a MDM implemented, it is much easier to apply controls required by other CMMC practices, such as passwords, encryption and device locking.

Discussion From Source

DRAFT NIST SP 800-171 R2 A mobile device is a computing device that has a small form factor such that it can easily be carried by a single individual; is designed to operate without a physical connection (e.g.,wirelessly transmit or receive information); possesses local, non- removable or removable data storage; and includes a self -contained power source. Mobile devices may also include voice communication capabilities, on- board sensors that allow the device to capture information, or built- in features for synchronizing local data with remote locations. Examples of mobile devices include smart phones, e-readers, and tablets. Due to the large variety of mobile devices with different technical characteristics and capabilities, organizational restrictions may vary for the different types of devices. Usage restrictions and implementation guidance for mobile devices include: device identification and authentication; configuration management; implementation of mandatory protective software (e.g., malicious code detection, firewall); scanning devices for malicious code; updating virus protection software; scanning for critical software updates and patches; conducting primary operating system (and possibly other resident software) integrity checks; and disabling unnecessary hardware (e.g., wireless, infrared) . The need to provide adequate security for mobile devices goes beyond this requirement. Many controls for mobile devices are reflected in other CUI security requirements.
