Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting (as applicable, the "Site"), which is owned and operated by Monarch ISC, Inc. By using or accessing the Site in any way, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy, and you hereby consent to our collection, use and sharing of your information in the manner described herein.

Monarch ISC is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully in order to understand what information Monarch ISC collects about visitors to the Site, and how Monarch ISC uses and discloses that information. If you do not agree with the content of this Privacy Policy, please do not use this Site. We encourage you to check our Site frequently to see the current Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use in effect and any changes that may have been made to them. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you by posting the revised Privacy Policy and the revised effective date on this Site and/or by some other means. If you use the Site after any changes to the Privacy Policy have been posted, this means you agree to all of the changes. This Policy is part of our Terms of Use.

This Privacy Policy only covers our treatment of your personal information that we gather when you are accessing or using our Site, but not to the practices of companies we don’t own or control, or people that we don’t manage, nor to the privacy practices of any entity with whom Monarch ISC (or any of our affiliates) has an investment relationship, even if you are able to access such entity’s website or service through a link on the Site. It also does not apply to information obtained or disclosed in offline correspondence, through other personal contacts with Monarch ISC representatives.


Monarch ISC collects both non-personal information and personal information (which includes personal identifiers) from your interactions with us via the Site. Non-personal information is information that does not, by itself, identify the visitor as a specific individual. Personal information is information that specifically identifies a visitor to the Site (which may include contact information). As used in this Privacy Policy, "personal information" includes information referred to as "Personal Information" under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA").

Information You Provide to Us

If you sign up to receive Monarch ISC newsletters, provide contact information or other information about yourself when signing up for a Monarch ISC event, or express interest in the Monarch ISC Fellows Program, Monarch ISC may request and/or you may be required to provide personal information, including, without limitation, your e-mail address. If you have provided your email address and do not want to receive communications from us, please indicate your preference by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of an email message. You may obtain access to your personal information collected by Monarch ISC by sending an e-mail to

Information Collected Automatically

Monarch ISC may collect information during your visit to the Site through our automatic data collection tools, which may include cookies and other commonly used information-gathering tools. These tools collect certain information that your browser sends to our website such as your browser type and language, access times, and the address of the website from which you arrived at the Site. They may also collect information about your Internet Protocol (IP) address and clickstream behavior (i.e. the pages you view, the links you click, and other actions you take in connection with the Site), geolocation data, and information about your device.

A "cookie" is a small piece of data stored on a user’s browser, and contains non-personally identifiable information about the user. When you visit the website, Monarch ISC may place a "cookie" in order to improve your experience by recognizing you when you visit the website and in order to allow the company to optimize the information presented based on your demonstrated areas of interest. Cookies may also be used to compile information about website usage. If you subsequently provide us with personal information such as your email address, we may associate any cookies on your browser with that information.

You may be able to change the preferences on your browser or device to prevent or limit your device’s acceptance of cookies, but this may prevent you from taking advantage of some of our features. If you click on a link to a third-party website or service, a third party may also transmit cookies to you. Again, this Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies by any third parties, and we aren’t responsible for their privacy policies and practices.


Monarch ISC is committed to protecting the privacy of young children, and therefore does not knowingly collect or maintain personally identifiable information on the Site from persons under 13 years of age, and no part of our website is directed to persons under the age of 13. IF YOU ARE UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE, THEN PLEASE DO NOT USE OR ACCESS THE SITE AT ANY TIME OR IN ANY MANNER. In the event that Monarch ISC discovers that personal information has been collected from a person under 13 years of age, without verified parental consent in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 ("COPPA"), Monarch ISC will delete such information.


Contacting You: Monarch ISC may use personal information you provide in order to contact you. For example, if you sign up for the Monarch ISC newsletter, Monarch ISC may use your contact information to send you the Monarch ISC newsletter and other communications from Monarch ISC. If you provide Monarch ISC with contact information or other information about yourself in connection with a Monarch ISC event, Monarch ISC may use that information internally and to communicate with you regarding Monarch ISC’s events.

Aggregated Information: Monarch ISC may share information in aggregate form (i.e., that cannot reasonably identify a particular individual) with third parties for business purposes, such as consultants and advisors to Monarch ISC.

Protection of Monarch ISC and Others: Monarch ISC may disclose your information to a third party if required to do so by law or if, in good faith, Monarch ISC believes that such action is necessary to: (1) comply with the law, court order or with other legal process; (2) protect and/or defend Monarch ISC's rights and property or prevent fraud; (3) protect Monarch ISC against abuse, misuse or unauthorized use of Monarch ISC's products or services; or (4) protect the rights, safety and/or property of its personnel, affiliates, users of this Site or the public.


If you submit unsolicited business plan ideas or slide decks to Monarch ISC through the Site, Monarch ISC cannot and will not accept responsibility for protecting against misuse or disclosure of any confidential or proprietary information included in such materials, in the absence of Monarch ISC’s express written agreement to do so. Except as expressly set forth in this Privacy Policy with respect to your personal information, any plans, information and other materials you submit in connection with this Site may be used or disclosed by Monarch ISC for any purpose and in any manner, as Monarch ISC determines in its sole discretion. Please consider this carefully before sending Monarch ISC any information or other materials that you deem confidential or proprietary.


You may request the specific pieces of personal information we have collected from you or request that we delete the personal information that we have collected from you by contacting us at However, we may need to retain such information in certain circumstances if it is necessary to provide you with services you requested or if we use such data only for our internal analytical use. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. We will not deny you access to our Site or services, or provide you a lower quality of services if you exercise your rights under the CCPA.